Black Home Theater

Bose acoustimass 6 series iii Surround sound System Complete With Wall Mounting

Bose acoustimass 6 series iii Surround sound System Complete With Wall Mounting

Bose acoustimass 6 series iii Surround sound System Complete With Wall Mounting    Bose acoustimass 6 series iii Surround sound System Complete With Wall Mounting
Bose Acoustimass 6 Series III Speaker System - Excellent Condition. Bose speaker System provides digital audio and video formats that are ideal for home theatres. This home entertainment speaker system is a package that provides high-quality, crystal-clear surround sound.

The Bose Acoustimass 6 III Series Speakers are powered with an Acoustimass Module, and produces sound effects even at low audio volumes. In addition to that Bose speaker system features two downward-firing drivers and proprietary technology for moving experience in sound from all the channels. The sounds of this home entertainment speaker system are natural and clear giving the effect of a real cinema even at home. The Bose Acoustimass 6 Series Speakers are small and will not detract from the decor of the room it is housed in.

This Bose System Comes With. 2 Front speakers, 1 Centre Speaker And 3 Rear Speakers. Also Its Comes With All Bose Original Connection Cables.

Bose acoustimass 6 series iii Surround sound System Complete With Wall Mounting    Bose acoustimass 6 series iii Surround sound System Complete With Wall Mounting